Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 11 - simple recipes to reduce waste

Today's simple step starts with a recipe.  1 cup distilled water, 1 cup Castile soap and 1 tsp Almond Oil.  What do we have?  Yes, you guessed it, shampoo!  I made my own shampoo with three simple ingredients and filled up a bottle that just ran out.  Reusing the same bottle over and over and refilling it with this concoction means I am putting less chemicals down the drain and using less plastic bottles.  It also means I am saving some pennies as I won't be buying my expensive fancy shampoo for awhile.  It took less than 5 minutes to do the whole thing and now I have fun new shampoo.  I can't wait to start making new fancy flavors.  Next time I will try steeping some fresh rosemary and mint in the water before adding the soap.  Yum!

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